
We are so excited that Caroline Castigliano is now available exclusively at our Urmston boutique!

Avignon Bellisima & Hollie Shrug Bellisima & Hollie Shrug Bellisima with Intrigue shrug Bellisima with Svetlana shrug Bellisima with Svetlana shrug Charm School with Hollie shrug Charm School with Intrigueshrug Charm School with Svetlana Shrug SetHeightBig-Fly-me-to-the-Moon-2 SetHeightBig-Mesmorizing-1 SetHeightBig-Mesmorizing-2 SetHeightBig-Rosabella-2 SetHeightBig-Rosabella-with-Rosabella-belt-1 Primadonna

To book an appointment, please call 0161 748 2878

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