Charlotte Balbier & Jean Jackson Couture present… The Secret Rose Garden

Step Into The Secret Rose Garden……The new 2016 Charlotte Balbier collection ‘Willa Rose’ will be making it’s exclusive debut at Jean Jackson Couture NQ on Thursday 2nd July. The full collection made up of 27 designs will be in the boutique for brides to view for the very 1st time.

Brides are invited to step inside the Secret Rose Garden, meet Charlotte herself who will be making a personal appearance to meet with brides and chat over their wedding gown ideas while sipping on Rose Pink lemonade and being treated to yummy treats.
Enjoy seeing the gowns on the models in a relaxed salon style so you can note down your favourite gowns to try on at your styling appointment at the boutique.

Every bride who attends and makes an appointment to try on the collection at the boutique will receive a luxury goody bag on the night packed with goodies.

To be the 1st bride in the world to view the highly acclaimed and adored new ‘Willa Rose’ collection by Charlotte Balbier and meet the designer herself email [email protected]m to book into The Secret Garden.



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